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Zentrum für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht (CIPCO)

ASCOLA Jahrestagung 2022

ASCOLA Schweiz organisiert in Kooperation mit dem CEDIDAC und CIPCO ihre erste Jahrestagung. Sie widmet sich der Zukunft der Schweizer und Europäischen Fusionskontrolle. Vertreter*innen der nationalen und europäischen Wettbewerbsbehörden, Anwält*innen, Ökonom*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen diskutieren aktuelle Themen und zukünftige Entwicklungen der Fusionskontrolle.


Programm: hier abrufbar (PDF, 836 KB)

Ort: Sorell Hotel Zürichberg, Zürich

Datum: 2 Juni 2022, 8.30-18.00 Uhr

Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. Damiano Canapa (Universität Lausanne), Prof. Dr. Peter Georg Picht (Universität Zürich), Dr. Astrid Waser (Lenz & Staehelin)

Kosten: CHF 400 / 250 (ASCOLA Mitglieder und Behördenmitarbeitende) / 50 (Doktorierende und Studierende)

Anmeldung über das CEDIDAC


8.30 Registration and Coffee
9.00 Welcome Address by Peter Georg Picht, Professor at University of Zurich, Chair ASCOLA Swiss Chapter
9.15 SIEC Test: EU Experiences by Birthe Panhans, European Commission
9.45 SIEC Test: Presentation of the Swiss Revision Project by Peter Georg Picht, Professor at University of Zurich, Chair ASCOLA Swiss Chapter and Damiano Canapa, Professor at University of Lausanne, Director of CEDIDAC
10.05 SIEC Test: the Austrian Model by Dr Natalie Harsdorf-Borsch, Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde
10.20 Coffee Break
10.50 The SIEC Test in Practice: the Legal and Econ Perspectives by Dr Aleksandra Boutin, Postive Competition and Dr Bernd Meyring, Linklaters and College of Europe
11.45 Lunch Break
13.15 Possible Effects of the SIEC Test on ComCo Practice by Dr Niklaus Wallimann, ComCo Secretariat, Dr Philippe Sulger, ComCo Secretariat and Dr Richard Stäuber, Homburger
14.15 Limitations of the Current Merger Control Test(s) in Germany by Dr Fabian Pape, Bundeskartellamt
14.40 Discussion: Is the SIEC Test needed at all - Much Ado, Few Cases? by Dr Fabian Pape, Bundeskartellamt, Dr Samuel Rutz, Swiss Economics and David Mamane, Schellenberg Wittmer
15.10 Coffee Break
15.40 Merger Control in the US: Current Perspectives by Scott Hemphill, Moses H. Grossman professor at NYU School of Law
16.00 Merger Control Thresholds: Recent EU Developments by Philippe Chappatte, Slaughter & May
16.20 Merger Control Thresholds: the Member States’ Perspective by Stefan Thomas, Professor at University of Tübingen

Discussion: Are New Merger Control Thresholds needed for Switzerland?

Keynote: Walter Stoffel, Professor at University of Fribourg, former President of ComCo

Podium: Andreas Heinemann, Professor at University of Zürich, President of ComCo and Dr Astrid Waser, Lenz & Staehelin

17.45 Concluding Remarks
18.00 Aperitif


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