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Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law (CIPCO)

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CIPCast is the podcast series of Zurich University’s Center for Intellectual Property and Competition Law (CIPCO). In discourse with national and international experts, the podcasts address hot topics in competition and intellectual property law – a concise, profound update for academics and practitioners alike.


The whole podcast series is available at:



Our latest CIPCast:

March 1 2022

Our second CIPCast deals with the proposal for the implementation of the Motion Français ("The revision of the Cartel Act must take into account both qualitative and quantitative criteria") in the context of the planned partial revision of the Cartel Act. The main focus is on the planned specification of Art. 5 CartA with regard to the offence of unlawful agreements affecting competition. Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Georg Picht discusses with Dr. iur. Astrid Waser, LL.M. (partner Lenz & Staehelin), Prof. Dr. iur. Andreas Heinemann, Dipl.-Ec. (professor at UZH, president of the Swiss Competition Commission), as well as Dr. iur. Werner Berg, LL.M. (partner Latham & Watkins).



Andreas Heinemann


Prof. Dr. iur. Andreas Heinemann, Dipl.-Ec.

Professor at UZH, President of the Swiss Competition Commission)




Werner Berg


RA Dr. iur. Werner Berg, LL.M.

Knowledge Management Counsel Latham & Watkins



Astrid Waser

RAin Dr. iur. Astrid Waser, LL.M.

Partner Lenz & Staehelin







December 16, 2021

Driven by the Fair-Preis-Initiative Switzerland introduces, after lengthy discussions in Parliament, the concept of relative market power into its competition law, together with a ban on geo-blocking in the Act Against Unfair Competition. The new rules take effect as of 1 January 2022 and the Swiss competition watchdog (ComCo) has now published initial guidance on relative market power. In this CIPCast, Prof. Peter Georg Picht discusses these guidelines with Prof. Patrik Ducrey (Director of the ComCo Secretariat), Boris Kasten (General Counsel Global Legal Corporate & Competition at Schindler Group) und Felix Schraner (Partner IXAR Legal AG).

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